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Release Notes

Bug Fixes:

  • Added to check to correct NULL colormap values when uploading a save session.

  • Fixed an issue with the hydrology trigger lines not appearing correctly in PCM plots.

  • Fixed a bug when loading a save session and navigating to Risk View.

  • Metrics and their respective orientations now load as expected.

  • Unselecting an overly-selective filter that filters all data will now restore data with any other selected filters applied.

  • Adjustmented the calculations of Grand Canyon Annual Relative Riparian Plant Habitat Diversity | Median \(GC Riparian Diversity | Med\) and Native Plant Dominance Annual Percentage and implemented with full data repair.

Feature Development:

  • Added the ability to call different sets of traces into the Performance dashboard based on "Storylines" or groups of traces that display different behaviors.

  • Storyline Hydrologies function independently on Tradeoff and Trace View

  • Hydrologies are saved when leaving and returning to Performance dashboard. 

  • The first visit to the Trace View tab inherits the selected hydrology from that Tradeoff View tab.

  • The hydrology selections on the Tradeoff View tab and Trace View tab can be saved and loaded via saved sessions.

  • Added Spanish support to the ability to select different hydrology sets to look at in the Performance dashboard.

  • Added Spanish support to the UI for the new Powell concept: "Running Average Inflow".

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue with the hydrology trigger lines not appearing correctly in Strategy Creation and Modification plots.

  • Implemented adjustments to the calculations of Grand Canyon Annual Relative Riparian Plant Habitat Diversity | Median (GC Riparian Diversity | Med) and Native Plant Dominance Annual Percentage with full data repair planned for release V1.21.

  • Fixed a bug when loading a save session and navigating to Risk View.

Feature Development:

  • Updated the the Strategy Creation and Modification wizard UI to allow for the selection of the"Running Average Inflow"concept.

  • Added the ability to call different sets of traces into the performance view based on "Storylines" or groups of traces that display different behaviors.

  • Added a warning when a user uses filters on the parallel axis chart that returns no data.

  • Added a link that can be clicked to toggle the Lee Ferry Natural Flow timeseries plot underneath each Trace View plot. This also adds the capability to hover over one plot and have the same trace get highlighted in the LF flow plot, and visa versa.

Bug Fixes:

  • Combined storage checkboxes will display the correct value after loading in a strategy for modification.

  • Fixed a bug to ensure the order of the color of the hydrology adjustments is consistently light to dark for decreasing flow on operational strategy plots.

  • Added support to strategy creation and modification toasts in Spanish.

  • Repaired data related to an error in Run of River releases that were calculated in tiered, non-modified Powell concepts (TH). Corrected strategies include the following:

    • STGY11214

    • STGY05752

    • STGY28709

    • STGY36630

    • STGY97026

    • STGY75238

    • STGY85111

    • STGY99844

    • STGY43887

    • STGY19902

    • STGY67853

    • STGY79533

    • STGY00348

    • STGY63143

  • Update metric values on MSCP Hoover Covered Release Less Than 800 cfs | Percent of Months to use Mead Monthly Outflow instead of Annual Outflow.

  • Fixed an issue where a warning was appearing on Trace View telling the user that their inputs weren't working when they really were.

  • Changed the default direction for Lees Ferry Reach Temperature is Over 20 Degrees C Days in Calendar Year to Stays Below in the Robustness dashboard.

  • Improved the warning messages on Robustness dashboard, when all strategies lead to no robust futures.

  • Improved legibility on x axis labels for Risk View plots.

Feature Development:

  • FIx display of hydrology triggers when adjustments would bring releases below 3.7 maf.

  • Added color coordination to Trace View so that selected strategies have the same colors assigned to them as in Trade-off View, Robustness, and Vulnerability. Added colors to the strategy order selector, the final value info box, and added a colored dot next to the strategy name.

  • Added a pop up notification above the Vulnerability Map with Traces if the Unacceptability Definition has a condition with a frequency of zero to inform the interpretation of the failure rate relative to threshold.

  • The language selected by the user in the app now determines which language email they receive for save session and strategy submission.


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©2023 Martin & McCoy LLC dba Virga Labs. All Rights Reserved.

A portion of this software and associated data was provided through a project award sponsored by  the Bureau of Reclamation under Contract #140R8122P0009

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