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Release Notes

Bug Fixes:

  • Updated load session logic to fix crashes and unnecessary warnings. The navbar buttons open state translations are restored. The parallel plot will not disappear if missing a metric translation.

  • The highlighted strategies table on performance and summary tab should now be accurate and rounded to the appropriate number of significant figures.

  • Models with <50% accuracy in the Vulnerability dashboard now display a warning.

Explanatory Content:

  • Added Spanish support to explanatory content for filtering feature in the Robustness Dashboard.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed the sidebar wrapping on zoomed or small screens. Now sidebar items scroll when zoomed in so that users can properly access them.

  • Datatable pagelength will again be preserved after selecting a strategy.

  • Improve phase in UI and logic to prevent infinite looping bug.

  • Fixed an issue with the CRSP % full for equalization slider not hiding when disabling equalization for Powell concepts.

  • Saved sessions without a Vulnerability Strategy Id will no longer cause the decision boundary plot to error when loaded on the Summary tab

  • The "Filter by Table" button in the Performance dashboard remains consistent when moving away from and back to the dashboard.

  • The Release Notes navigation icon color is consistent with other UI elements.

Feature Development:

  • The Operational Strategies Suite "Dashboard Added From" column now uses plain text instead of icons

Explanatory Content:

  • Added instructions for the new filtering functionality on the robustness ordered bar plot and the robustness conditions parallel axis plots. 

Bug Fixes:

  • Disabled column search boxes on Datatables will say "N/A" instead of "Use Slider" or otherwise.

  • Fixed some crashes related to loading save sessions.

  • Fixed crash that occurred while launching the webtool when navigating straight into the Summary tab.

Feature Development:

  • Added the paradigm acronym across all dashboards where the Strategy Id is displayed.

  • Changed name of measures "Mead Minimum Pool Elevation" and "Powell Minimum Pool Elevation" to "Mead Annual Minimum Pool Elevation" and "Powell Annual Minimum Pool Elevation" to clarify timestep

  • Added ability to filter the robustness strategies via the Parallel Axis or Ordered Bar Plot and to move backwards and forwards in filter history.

  • Tooltips on Robustness/Vulnerability now have the Paradigm acronym and translate to Spanish

  • New Robustness and Vulnerability measures were incorporated: `Glen Canyon Dam Outflow Interannual Variability Between Consecutive Paired Years` and `Glen Canyon Dam Outflow as Percent of Natural Flow`. These can also be seen in Performance Trace View corresponding to metrics `Glen Canyon Dam Outflow Interannual Variability Between Consecutive Paired Years | Average` and `Glen Canyon Dam Outflow as Percent of Natural Flow | Average`, respectively.

Explanatory Content:

  • Added translation support to to Performance Hydrology Storylines related content.


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©2023 Martin & McCoy LLC dba Virga Labs. All Rights Reserved.

A portion of this software and associated data was provided through a project award sponsored by  the Bureau of Reclamation under Contract #140R8122P0009

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