Version 1.9 contains a number of bug fixes and general improvements to the user interface, as well as the expansion of the Resource Center, including the addition of tool tutorial videos.
Bug Fixes:
Removed Tier form label on Operational Paradigm tab.
Added feedback for indicating selected sample strategies.
Adjusted decimal places for first reduction change and added new equalization column to match Powell release values.
Adjusted TH legend alignment for improved readability.
Improved messaging for user restarting a strategy model session.
Fixed error preventing tabbing through the strategy creation workflow.
Improved behavior of the plot update button on the Performance dashboard for better intuitiveness.
Fixed issue where updating the performance plot did not update the trace view.
Fixed issue where Operational Strategy diagrams were not showing up on the summary tab.
Applied fixes to Hoover Spill for Hydro Shortage data representation.
Moved two Powell equalization columns before the reduction columns.
Fixed label scale on the definition slider rob/vul.
Fixed issue where clicking to remove strategies from the OSM removed too many strategies.
Updated risk colors for better intuitiveness.
Fixed welcome page button alignment issue on Microsoft Edge browser.
Modified vulnerability trace view popup to show only annual flow.
Modifications to Resource header for consistency.
Added column Equalization Trigger (CRSP % Full) to available strategies/suite table and modified other equalization column to Equalization Trigger (Powell Elev.).
New Features:
Added a % of average column to hydrology trigger tables.
Improved handling of Trace View summary plots representation of y-min and y-max percentage values.
Added an Acknowledgments tab.
Modified rounding down from .5 MAF to .0001 MAF for some metrics.
Enhanced utility of the strategy submission instructions.
Redesigned Resource Center, including new video and PDF content.