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This is a flexible, powerful platform designed to allow Colorado River Basin stakeholders and the public to explore operational strategies for Lake Powell and Lake Mead as part of the Post-2026 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Process. This tool is intended to support early-stage exploration of operational strategies that may eventually be incorporated into the Post-2026 NEPA alternatives. For more information on this NEPA process, see Colorado River Post-2026 Operations.

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Disclaimer: This tool is for screening and educational purposes only. Nothing in this tool should be construed as representing Reclamation’s positions on future Colorado River Basin operations. The simplified representation of the operational strategies supports screening and is not meant to limit the exploration of additional more complex strategies. Operational strategies included in, created through, or uploaded to this platform are not considered to be official alternatives. Utilizing this tool alone does not constitute formal input or comment into the process. However, to facilitate a rigorous process for screening and developing potential alternatives, Reclamation strongly encourages any parties interested in submitting an alternative to take advantage of the extensive analytical resources supported in this tool by exploring their ideas here. Analyses using this tool are for preliminary evaluation purposes only. Actual operations will comply with all applicable federal treaties, compacts, decrees, laws and regulations.


Notice concerning submission of data or other information on this site: If you voluntarily provide this website with personal information, by sending an e-mail, by inserting data on this website, or by filling out a form and submitting it through our website, you are indicating voluntary consent for Bureau of Reclamation to use the information you are submitting to respond to your message and to help us provide you with the information and services that you have requested or utilizing the data you have provided for consideration by the Martin & McCoy LLC and any governmental agencies or non-governmental organizations utilizing such data to perform analysis. Your submission, including personal information, may be shared with Federal or State agencies, or others if necessary to address matters raised in your submission as allowed by applicable systems of records or as otherwise required or authorized by statute, including requests from Congress, Freedom of Information Act requests from private individuals or companies, for law enforcement purposes, for routine government agency uses subject to the Privacy Act, or under our access and public record rules. If a government agency utilizes your data, there may be separate protections or requests for information as to how such data is used directly with those government agencies. Martin & McCoy LLC is not responsible for how third-parties, including governmental agencies or non-governmental organizations, utilize the data that is provided by you. Please note, Martin & McCoy LLC works continuously to set out and implement procedures to regulate the collection, maintenance, use, and dissemination of protected information. Visit our for complete information about our compliance with applicable law. Any comments that you submit which public comment is requested will be made public, including any personally identifiable information you choose to include in your submission. We may share non-personally identifiable information with others, including the public, in aggregated form, in partial or edited form, or verbatim.

©2023 Martin & McCoy LLC dba Virga Labs. All Rights Reserved.

A portion of this software and associated data was provided through a project award sponsored by  the Bureau of Reclamation under Contract #140R8122P0009

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